The Hottest Ever Anxiety Elimination Tip

This is another great article I received from Charles Linden. In it he reveals the hottest ever anxiety elimination tip. Be sure to read it. Here it goes;

"As I said previously, the internet is jam packed full of marketing designed to lead you to 'The World's Best' or 'The One Step Solution' and whilst I make big claims about my program,I can substantiate them.
I promised you a 'hot tip', so here is, to my mind, the most important information about anxiety disorders available and it's not a superficial 'first aid' tip, a marketeers 'sales spiel' or a piece of ill conceived concept dreamed up by someone who just wants your money.  This information is based on years of scientific research by the world's top neuro-psychologists and anxiety experts! If you choose to ignore it, do so at your own loss.
You'll know by now that anxiety disorders are caused by high levels of adrenalin and adrenalin levels are controlled by the amygdala. You'll also know that the reason the amygdala is releasing adrenalin is that it thinks that you are threatened by something. You'll also know that your anxiety disorder is caused by your amygdala perceiving the symptoms and thoughts you experience as that threat.
There's nothing external threatening you... but your amygdala thinks (and tells you) there is because it 'reads' your physical symptoms as being an external threat. 
Research by the world's leading psycho-physiologists and psychologists and the benefit of recording the recoveries of well over 125,000 sufferers has proven, without doubt, that the only way to become anxiety disorder free permanently, is to convince the amygdala that it and you, are safe!
There is no other solution, believe me and any qualified psycho-physiologist will confirm that this is the solution, the only solution.
 Take care"

Charles Linden
The Linden Centers International