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The Linden Method
An Appraisal by Dr Francis Teeney
Research Fellow Queen's University, Belfast
Dr. Francis Teeney
"Firstly, let me begin by acknowledging my gratitude to my close friend, colleague, mentor and stout staff Professor Roddy Cowie of Queen's University Belfast, in my opinion one of the greatest emotional psychologists in Europe today. I am sure he would appreciate my over simplification of the emotional processes described below given that it is written for the vulnerable and non psychological reader.
Over the years I have worked with many groups of people affected by what is commonly referred to as "their nerves" and as a consequence, I have used many tools to help to alleviate and overcome these issues; in most cases I have tried the techniques myself in an effort to ascertain whether it improved my own wellbeing. These tools ranged from relaxation methods of all descriptions, herbal remedies, self-improvement programmes, hypnosis, Yoga, keep fit and many more. Some of these tools worked better than others and sadly some made matters worse, or just cost a fortune with no results at all. This will all sound familiar to many of you and you should take comfort - often the belief is that no one has experienced what you are going through or recovered - WRONG.
As a psychologist, with an interest in human emotions, I believe that I have a thorough understanding of what is actually taking place inside the brains of anxious individuals. I also wish to state that I am working to set up a research consortium to investigate the cause and treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME. A major symptom in many CFS/ME cases is anxiety.
The reader will also be glad to hear that The Linden Method and Mickel Therapy are pooling resources with regards to the anxiety symptoms of CFS/ME - progress indeed.
The psychology of fear has been very well documented for almost 100 years, especially in the writings of William James, the famous American psychologist, whose findings now form an important part of the foundations on which modern emotional psychology is built.
I will not bore you with 'science talk', but suffice it to say that James believed the emotional centres of the brain were pivotal to health, mental stability and general wellbeing. Any greater elaboration of this would require me writing pages and would eventually arrive at the same conclusion.
Within our mid brain structures lies the emotional centre. Our emotions, such as anger, sadness, joy, fear and boredom, create levels of activity within the brain that ebb and flow. You can neither laugh nor cry forever - even though we sometimes feel as if we have done the latter. In times of high anxiety, in reality, your emotional stability is simply out of balance. Too much of anything will eventually leave you unsatisfied - including ice cream or your favourite past time. Imagine then what too much exposure to stressful situations will do - apart from the obvious increase in anxiety levels, they will definitely leave you unsatisfied.
Pressure at work, at home or in relationships, fast or slow lifestyles with little fulfillment, all lead to emotional instability. What we do know for certain, is that these excesses are likely to cause the over production of adrenalin; in other words, you will be on red alert for too long and places people and things that once did not bother you, all of a sudden, become things to avoid at all cost. And yet, your salvation lies not in avoiding these things but in a structured programme of anxiety recovery.
You would not run a marathon without training to increase your fitness levels, so why do you expect to succeed without training for rejoining the marathon of life. Building up new memories, positive memories, emotionally enjoyable memories, bit by bit is the key to anxiety free fulfillment.
Remember there are no bears or wolves in the local shop - William James alluded to this many years ago in his findings about how anxiety builds and manifests in the human body.
It is possible, without forcing the creation of more anxiety, to replace anxious reactions and memories with none anxious ones, very quickly.
My experience of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is that it relies on manipulating the cognitive section of the brain. This approach can work successfully in some forms of mental illness, but due to its concentration on cognition it does not address the emotions, which is where it fails.
I detest sprouts and always have, (despite my mother telling me they were good for me); all the cognitive refocusing I can muster is never going to make me emotionally satisfied when I sit down to a plate of sprouts. If CBT has worked to change your circumstances, I am indeed very happy and wish you every success and happiness in the future. The same applies to hypnosis, drug therapy, Yoga, flooding, NLP and all the other therapies. If they work for you I am happy.
Some people do need a break from their daily stress and if their GP has proscribed them sedatives to use as a crutch in the short term, then I wholeheartedly agree that temporary relief in extreme anxiety can be far better than no relief at all. However, some day you will need to withdraw the sedatives, hopefully with the help, guidance and advice of your doctor, but by then, you will need to have implemented a technique that allows you to function without sedatives and to eliminate your anxiety completely.
I believe the Linden Method achieves just this.
Through my many conversations with Charles and my ongoing work with him, his Method and the research consortium, that includes Mickel Therapy, I have had the opportunity to evaluate Charles' unique programme. I have no doubt that The Linden Method works and clearly see how and why the structure creates recovery; it makes perfect psychological sense.
I have come to the conclusion that The Linden Method is soundly based in solid psychological understanding. It promotes emotional balance, the development of new memories of once feared situations, empowers the sufferer to step out with courage, to attempt new challenges and the programme is written in easily understandable language; it is also very easy to do.
The Linden Method has helped very many people and is an easy to understand programme with clear explanations of the processes taking place within your mind and body as anxiety disorder retreats. The Linden Method programme is backed up by a support network of qualified anxiety specialists, psychologists and counsellors, who can simply explain and reassure you about the thoughts, feelings and emotions you are experiencing.
The idea that anxiety disorder is simply "nerves" is no explanation at all and will never satisfy or settle your doubts or anxieties. Similarly, the idea that anxiety is something you have to 'learn to live with' or that it is a condition that you can never be free from is simply not true. The Linden Method provides a correct psychological explanation of your condition, reassurance and clear, structured guidance and is definitely a programme for recovery - one that will help you create new emotional memories to replace the anxious ones - and, in addition, The Linden Method provides a blueprint for leading an emotionally fulfilled life.
The Linden Method recognises and addresses the fact that there are no bears waiting to attack you, but rather only negative memories of fear that cause and perpetuate your anxiety condition.
The Linden Method shows you how to change those negative, anxious memories into happy and emotionally fulfilling ones.
I recommend the Linden Method wholeheartedly. It has worked for countless others and it can work for you as well.
Finally, there are many out there who would exploit those suffering from anxiety. I am glad to say that the Linden Method will give you your money back if you do not improve.
I believe that Charles is going a very long way to shutting down the exploitation of sufferers in this guarantee; his experiences at the hand of anxiety disorder for over 20 years, his 12 years of practice helping sufferers to recover, his qualified staff and his and his organisation's reputations are testament to the level of respect gained through constantly high results and many thousands of success stories. Lastly his willingness to join a consortium that will include academics and other therapies (such as those lead by Dr. David Mickel) displays an openness to have his Method ruthlessly tested and should be reassuring to those who doubt the efficiency of the Linden Method.
In other words you have nothing to lose by trying this psychologically supported recovery programme but you certainly have everything to gain. "
Dr. Francis Teeney
Research Fellow Queen's University, Belfast.
Dr. Romulo Valdez
"As a Psychologist that has been treating anxiety and depression for over 25 years, I can espouse the effectiveness of the Linden Method.
For those of you that have suffered from either anxiety or depression, you know that the medication only serves to numb one's experience of the real world. You also know that "talk therapy" cannot give you the tranquility that you desperately need. You have most likely spent thousands of dollars of health insurance money and money of your own to find peace of mind.
The Linden Method gives you all the tools you need to eliminate your anxiety in a simple and fast 'step by step' format. The beauty of this Method is that you are the master of your own destiny. You monitor your own progress but receive qualified, unlimited support to insure progress. Unlike other programs, the Linden Method give you one year of ongoing support from a professional like me to help you should you need it.
Mr. Linden is so confident in it's efficacy that he is willing to give you a one year guarantee or he will refund your money. Read the testimonials and give the Linden Method a trial and you will experience fast recovery yourself.
I have been trained by the very best in the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry as you can see by my credentials, and I endorse the Linden Method with highest regard. The Linden Method will give you all that you need.
Haven't you suffered enough?
The cure is at your disposal. Why wait?"
Dr Romulo Valdez Jr., Ph.D.
After the initial meeting with Charles Linden during the Government Health Organization trials of The Linden Method, the four young people were asked to complete feedback developed by the Government Health Organization specifically for the trial. Below are scans of those forms as completed by the subjects. We have 'blacked out' names for confidentiality. Bear in mind that these four people were referred to us as 'problem cases' because they hadn't responded to the medications, counselling, support and psychotherapy they had been receiving, in most cases, over a number of years. Charles was with them initially for just one hour each and the results. Read for yourself how it changed their perspective.
Scan 1    Scan 2    Scan 3    Scan 4
After the initial meeting with Charles Linden during the Government Health Organization trials of The Linden Method, the four young people were asked to complete feedback developed by the Government Health Organization specifically for the trial. Below are scans of those forms as completed by the subjects. We have 'blacked out' names for confidentiality. Bear in mind that these four people were referred to us as 'problem cases' because they hadn't responded to the medications, counselling, support and psychotherapy they had been receiving, in most cases, over a number of years. Charles was with them initially for just one hour each and the results. Read for yourself how it changed their perspective.
Scan 1    Scan 2    Scan 3    Scan 4
Dr. Allan Norris
"The [Linden] Method appears to be a sensible approach to dealing with anxiety. It is not unusual for panic and anxiety sufferers to come up with their own way of dealing with it. Anxiety is really an exaggeration of normal behaviour and feelings. This approach is good advice for anybody to help them control panic and anxiety."
Dr Allan Norris MA, MSc, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS
The Birmingham Post, June 29th, 2004
Dr Norris is a consultant clinical psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society, who works at Birmingham's Nuffield Hospital.
Dr. George Best
"I'm a holistic health care practitioner and doctor of chiropractic in San Antonio, Texas. I've been in private practice since 1992, and over the course of my practice, I have come to recognize the importance of emotions in a person's overall health.
The Linden Method is by far the most complete of the self-help programs I have come across that is specifically intended for eliminating panic attacks, anxiety attacks, panic disorder, and phobias.
In addition to providing an overall understanding of panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, and similar conditions, the Linden Method provides a step-by-step plan for eliminating panic attacks and anxiety and getting off of whatever anti-anxiety medications someone might be taking.
One big bonus that the Linden Method includes that none of the other programs reviewed do is that purchasers are given 1 year of unlimited email and telephone support with counselling professionals who are experts in using the Linden Method techniques. So, you're not just "on your own" to figure out how to make the system work for you. If you're having trouble, they have experts on hand to help you through any sticking points you may encounter. This bonus provides a tremendous value over the other products reviewed.
Finally, the Linden Method comes with a very impressive 1 YEAR money back guarantee. Most reputable products come with a guarantee, and all of the products reviewed here give you a pretty good opportunity to try the product and return it for a refund if you aren't satisfied with it. But it's rare to see any health-related product that gives you a full year to get a refund.
Other than that minor issue, I believe the Linden Method is an outstanding natural approach to eliminating anxiety and panic attacks and it is a tremendous value for the price, especially since it includes unlimited access to professional assistance and comes with a full 1 year money-back guarantee."
Dr. George Best
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB
"Charles has worked extremely hard and has succeeded to pull himself back from what seemed like a hopeless situation and now he shows others how to do the same."
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB
Jenny Saunders
"The Linden Method creates a full and successful recovery using targeted and supportive resources that are only available through this Method. The Linden Method is, in my opinion, the solution to anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, OCD and all their associated symptoms. Other therapies don't produce these results that is for sure."
Jenny Saunders BSc, MSc
Consultant Psychologist
Ian Northcott
"The Linden Method doesn't dwell on giving blame or looking for reasons, it simply gives you the answers you need right now to defeat your anxiety and return quickly to lasting wellness, anxiety free."
Ian Northcott BA (Hons) DHyp MHF FASC MHS MHRS MANLP
Sylvia Dickens
"I reviewed this product as a former panic anxiety sufferer and as a journalist who has studied the topic in-depth. My experience with the Canadian Mental Health Association made me even more aware of just how widespread panic and anxiety are across the country and around the globe. He shows you how to make the transition from your usual support systems, like doctors and medications, to self-support. Replace your old life, burdened by anxiety and all of its symptoms, to become anxiety and panic-free."
Sylvia Dickens
Jane Griffiths
"In my experience as a Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor especially, I believe that The Linden Method is the most common sense approach to anxiety disorders including panic attacks available.
I believe that the method is the 'bare bones' of the solution, the 'Roadmap' as Charles calls it. In truth, the method is not only the solution but a very simple to follow and the most impressively successful solution available.
This method puts other solutions to shame, it really does. I have seen CBT, medicinal therapies and other so called cures fail; Charles has cured the sufferers after they had given up hope. There is no other method that I would trust and have as much faith in as this."
Jane Griffiths, Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor
Nature, Journal of Science
The extract below is taken from Nature, the international but UK based journal of science. These research findings confirm all of our research and theories into the way the amygdala works and confirms clearly that anxiety is caused 100% by 'memories of fear'. It then goes on to say that they would like to find a genetic or drug solution which would STOP the amygdala from signalling to the frontal cortex! No need folks, we have found a way to stop it!
Extracts from the British journal Nature, point the way toward possible treatments for anxiety disorders.
"The amygdala, a large structure deep within each cerebral hemisphere, is the place where the brain stores memories of fear," said University of Southern California neuroscientist Richard F. Thompson, co-author of the Nature article.
"In the presence of threatening stimuli, the amygdala signals to the prefrontal cortex, triggering the expression of fearful behavior"
Researchers at USC and the Université de Bordeaux (France) trained laboratory mice by sounding a tone and then administering a small electric shock. The mice soon learned to associate the tone with the impending shock and froze in fear as soon as they heard it. Simultaneously, the researchers detected changes in the electrical impulses measured by electrodes implanted in the subjects' prefrontal cortex. When the amygdala was then surgically removed, both the freezing behavior and the altered neuronal activity disappeared.
Lead author René Garcia, of Bordeaux's Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, designed and completed the experiment in Thompson's USC laboratory during the summer of 1999. "While a mouse's brain is far smaller than a human's, it has essentially the same structures and operates in analogous ways," Thompson explained.
"The prefrontal cortex acts as a kind of 'executive office,' controlling other parts of the brain. It makes decisions that determine how you will react. Memories of fear are stored in the amygdala, which codes them into signals and transmits those signals to the frontal cortex for action."
"Why are you afraid when you're walking alone in the dark and hear footsteps behind you? You have learned to be afraid. Nearly all of our fears are learned fears." Anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks and phobias, are expressions of your memories of fear", said Thompson.
"If we could find a drug or genetic treatment that would stop the amygdala from signaling to the frontal cortex, then we could effectively treat anxiety disorders," he suggested.
Thompson, director of the USC Program in Neural, Informational and Behavioral Sciences, holds the William M. Keck Chair in Biological Sciences and Psychology in the USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
In addition to Garcia and Thompson, USC neurobiologist Michel Baudry and Université de Bordeaux neuroscientist Rose Marie Vouimba were co-authors of the Nature article.
The study was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NATO and Fondation Fyssen.

Do yourself a favor, try The Linden's Method now. You have got nothing to lose but tons of benefits to gain. If you are not cured or relieved of the symptoms, simply ask your money back. He will be glad to give you full refund..

Cure your anxiety disorder and ocd now.